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The STREND Fitness Challenge is a spectator friendly, multi-fitness event consisting of six separate disciplines or exercises. The first five test upper body muscular STRength, the sixth tests cardiovascular ENDurance, hence the name STREND.

Strict rules and format minimize any advantage related to a competitor’s size and weight. This keeps everyone on an even playing field.

Competitors are required to move or lift a weight based on a percentage of their body weight. Competitors have 3 minutes per discipline to perform as many repetitions as possible. This 3 minutes include the time it takes to perform as many repetitions as possible and the rest before the competitor begins the next discipline. Most take between 15-45 seconds for each of the five upper body disciplines before reaching muscle failure. This allows approximately 2 minutes of rest before beginning the next discipline. The disciplines are performed in the following order.

The STRength Factor

1. Bench Press

You begin with the bench press. This exercise tests your pectoral muscles. The weight you are required to lift is based on the division you enter. When the whistle sounds, you have 3 minutes to perform as many repetitions as possible. Official assistance or placing the barbell on the stand terminates the exercise. You cannot attempt to do any more repetitions. Get your score card from the official and move to the second upper body discipline.

(Example for time:
If you are the first competitor, your start time is 00:00:00. You must complete the bench press and be at the pull up station not later than 00:03:00; time elapsed is 3 minutes.)

2. Wide Grip Pull Up

Wide grip pull up is the second strength discipline you perform. This tests your back muscles. When the whistle sounds, you have 3 minutes to perform as many repetitions as possible. Once you assist yourself by placing your feet on any support, you cannot perform any more repetitions. Get your score card and move to the third upper body discipline.

(Example for time: If you are the first competitor, your start time for the pull up is 00:03:00. The time elapsed from when you started the first discipline to when you may begin the pull ups is 3 minutes. You are not required to begin the discipline as soon as the whistle has sounded. It’s only a warning that your 3 minute window has begun. You must complete this discipline and be at the military press not later than 00:06:00. )

Modified Pull Up

The modified pull up is used for those entered in the Basic Division

3. Military Press

The third discipline is the military press, sometimes referred to as the shoulder press. The exercise is performed so the barbell is lowered behind the neck. This exercise tests the deltoids or shoulder muscles. The weight you are required to lift is based on the division you enter. When the whistle sounds, you have 3 minutes to perform as many repetitions as possible. Official assistance or placing the barbell on the rack terminates the exercise. Get your score card from the official and move to the fourth upper body discipline.

(Example for time: If you are the first competitor, your start time for military press is 00:06:00. The time elapsed from when you started the first discipline to when you may begin the military press is 6 minutes. You are not required to begin the discipline as soon as the whistle has sounded. It’s only a warning that your 3 minute window has begun. You must complete this discipline and be at the chin up station not later than 00:09:00. )

4. Chin Up

The chin up targets your biceps muscles. When the whistle sounds, you have 3 minutes to perform as many repetitions as possible. Once you assist yourself by placing your feet on any support, you cannot perform any more repetitions. Get your score card from the official and move to the last upper body discipline.

(Example for time: If you are the first competitor, your start time for chin up is 00:09:00. The time elapsed from when you started the first discipline to when you may begin the chin up is 9 minutes. You are not required to begin the discipline as soon as the whistle has sounded. It’s only a warning that your 3 minute window has begun. You must complete this discipline and be at the bar dip station not later than 00:012:00.)

Chin Up

The chin up targets your biceps muscles. When the whistle sounds, you have 3 minutes to perform as many repetitions as possible. Once you assist yourself by placing your feet on any support, you cannot perform any more repetitions. Get your score card from the official and move to the last upper body discipline.

(Example for time: If you are the first competitor, your start time for chin up is 00:09:00. The time elapsed from when you started the first discipline to when you may begin the chin up is 9 minutes. You are not required to begin the discipline as soon as the whistle has sounded. It’s only a warning that your 3 minute window has begun. You must complete this discipline and be at the bar dip station not later than 00:012:00.)

Modified Chin Up ↓

Modified chin up is used for those entered in the Basic Division

5. Bar Dip

The final upper body discipline is the bar dip, testing your triceps muscles. By the time you arrive here, you are totally ripped (and tired?). When the whistle sounds, you have 3 minutes to perform as many repetitions as possible. Using your feet for support terminates the exercise. Get your score card from the official and move to the run discipline.

(Example for time: If you are the first competitor, your start time for bar dip is 00:12:00. The time elapsed from when you started the first discipline to when you may begin the bar dip is 12 minutes. You are notrequired to begin the discipline as soon as the whistle has sounded. It’s only a warning that your 3 minute window has begun. You must complete this discipline and be at the start of the run not later than 00:015:00.)

Modified Bar Dip ↓

Modified bar dip is used for those entered in the Basic Division

The ENDurance Factor

6. Three Mile Run

The 3 mile run is the sixth and final discipline, which begins 15 minutes from each competitor’s start time (when they begin the first discipline). The run is performed on an oval track. When the whistle sounds begin and complete the run as quickly as possible. It is important to understand that you cannot begin the run early, but your time will begin when the whistle sound, even if you start late.

(Example for time: If you are the first competitor, your start time for three mile run is 00:15:00. You cannot start early. When the whistle sounds, you should begin the run. If you wait any length of time after the whistle has sounded, your run time is still based on when you are required to begin. It’s important to begin running as soon as the whistle has sounded.)

Work hard, have fun!